Service Announcements

Please Note

We are no longer available on due to regional licensing  laws. I have to question if builds its business platform model without its own relevant music licenses in place, or if it relies on the stations that it exploits for its own gains through commercial audio advertisements. This also affects Amazon's Alexa as it takes it's stream directly from Tune-in and, in my opinion, should be compensating all the internet radio stations that it appears to be exploiting for its own product promotion.

The UK 1940s Radio Station is based in the UK and holds A current PRS license that, to my knowledge, covers the station  to broadcast within the UK from our website but the license is not transferable to Tune-in or any other business exploit.  Indeed, I feel Amazon should have their own license in place for their Alexa devices when playing other people's radio streams.

Also, because the sound recordings we broadcast are over 75 years old, the station does not require a PPL license to broadcast the recordings on our website.

For Internet Radio Users
As the station owner I do however understand that some of our listeners would wish to listen to our station using their own internet radio device in the privacy of their own home. I would have no problem with this because it does not constitute a public performance and is no different to listening from any other private location where the general public are not in attendance.

Change Of Audio Streaming IP Address
For Internrnet Radios

On or before New Years Day Listeners Using Internet Radios will need to change the audio IP address on their Internet radio to

Please consult your internet radio user hand book on how to do this unfortunately we are unable to advise how to do this being we do not actually own an internet Radio and the method adding the IP address varies from make and model.



Non Secure IP Address For Older Internet Radios

Actual IP address in to enter in most internet radios

If you are Listening to The UK 1940s Radio Station, by any other means other than from this website on a desktop computer, we strongly recommend when listening on mobile phones or tablets you install the VLC Media Player on to your mobile phone or tablet.

Download VLC for Windows 10

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About the original internets 1940s radio station

The UK 1940s Radio Station is proud to have been the original 1940s radio station operating on the internet, being launched in 2010. The station only plays the original music recorded and released during the 1920s, 1930s and the 1940s. We have an excellent lineup of presenters from the UK and the USA, many of which have worked in broadcasting for many years and some who have embarked on the career more recently. The common denominator linking the station presenters is an unmitigated love of the music that they love to share with the station’s listeners. We also operate the The British Home Front Radio Service which concentrates mainly on British music and world wide original news broadcasts that could have been heard in Great Britain through transcription disc, AM and Shortwave radio.

All of the station’s presenters provide their expertise and time on a voluntary basis, which allows the station to exist in today’s competitive online entertainment radio industry. The wonderful music we play on the 'UK 1940s Radio' provided optimistic hope for a brighter future after the dreadful second world war. Music moved on after the conflict ended and this wonderful music became less popular as the following generations grew up and followed the new trends in music. Those that continue to enjoy dancing can also enjoy the styles of music they often dance to including Big Band Swing Charleston, Lindy Hop, Jive, Shag and Balboa here on UK 1940s Radio.

Classical music is an example of music that, thus far, has endured time, It also seems that the names that penned all the music during the golden era of popular music still endure today. Names, such as: George and Ira Gershwin; Cole Porter; Irving Berlin; Johnny Mercer and so many more, endure to this day because their music is still being discovered and constantly recorded and performed by many current famous headlining artists.

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1940s Radio and Dementia

Since launching this radio station, I have been constantly contacted by relatives of many of our listeners who have expressed their gratitude to 'The UK 1940s Radio Station' and also our 'British Home Front Radio' for the comfort that they have provided during the fading years of their much loved relatives. This could be through illness such as cancer, although more often than not through Dementia.

Often after a bereavement a person loosing their life long partner finds themselves living alone. Both my own parents along with my mother-in-law were diagnosed with dementia between 2003 and 2007. I found with this happening to my father, who was also losing his sight, prompted me to load his MP3 player with lots of old time radio shows and also 1940s and 1950s music, which he really enjoyed listening to. Noticing the beneficial effect on dad being calmer and less fidgety led me to thinking about starting this radio station, thinking that it might provide some comfort to others. Having been part of a military family with both Father and Grandads having served in either the Royal Air force, Navy or Army, I am certainly interested in history but my main focus is purely about the music and allowing it to be heard to all who enjoy it.

If you have any relatives that are suffering from Dementia please take a look at the following links.

Shaun Moncaster

Station Manager

NHS UK Alzheimers Disease

Alzheimer's Society

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Station Fund Raising Appeal

Please help us meet the £400 short fall in the ever increasing monthly cost of running The UK 1940s Radio Station. Although the Station is supported by third party advertising we still have a short fall every month to find of at least £400 a month. We really do hate asking for donations to support the station and understand that not everyone can afford to donate, indeed we would certainly not wish anybody to donate unless they could genuinely afford to do so. Donations for January 2025 were £3373.00

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